Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Low cost airline scams

OK scams is a bit harsh. Let's call it "ways they take more money off you without increasing the so-called price". Easyjet are now doing Speedy Boarding, while Ryanair have Priority Boarding. What they are doing is selling the front of the queue to get on the plane.

I tested Speedy Boarding this week on an Easyjet flight with mixed results. At Bristol they called Speedy Boarders to the gate while the departure board was showing 20 minutes top boarding (and me on the other side of the terminal). Within seconds they had called normal boarding and there was no way through the queue. £5 wasted. At Toulouse I was by the gate when they called Speedy boarding, but my boarding pass didn't show I was entitled to it. I had the booking email ready and got a Gallic shrug and permission to board. Which in turn meant I got an exit seat and some extra legroom. So £2.50 well spent (why the difference in price - I don't know).

On balance then Speedy Boarding is one to use with care. If there is a bus to the plane all it will get you is early boarding onto the bus, which is no help at all. But on balance I can't begrudge them another way of making money. The total cost for two of us was £113. Some friends flew to Toulouse 13 years ago and got a 2-for-1 deal of £180. And that was before airport tax.